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එන්නත්කරණ සමානාත්මතාවය කෙරෙහි වාර්ගික විවිධත්වයේ බලපෑම

කොවිඩ්-19 හේතුවෙන්, ලෝකයේ විවිධ ජනවර්ග අතර එන්නත් වෙත ඇති අසමාන ප්‍රවේශය හා එන්නත් කෙරෙහි පවතින විශ්වාසය පිළිබඳ විෂමතා ඉස්මතු වී තිබේ. ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ වෙසෙන සිංහල, දමිළ සහ මුස්ලිම් යන ජනවර්ග තුන මඟින් කොවිඩ්-19 එන්නත පිළිබඳ පවතින විශ්වාසය, එන්නත ලබා ගැනීම සහ එන්නත වෙත ඇති ප්‍රවේශය යන කරුණුවලට අදාළව සමාජ මාධ්‍ය ඔසසේ පළ කරන ලද අදහස් විශ්ලේෂණය කිරීම සඳහා වෙරිටේ රිසර්ච් (ඪැරසඑඬී ඍැිැ්රජය) ආයතනය විසින් අධ්‍යයනයක් සිදු කරන ලදි.

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இலங்கையில் சமத்துவமாக தடுப்பூசி வழங்குதல் சார்ந்த பல்வேறுபட்ட தாக்கங்கள்

கோவிட்-19, உலகெங்கிலும் உள்ள பல்வேறு இனக்குழுக்களிடையே தடுப்பூசிகளை அணுகுதல் மற்றும் நம்பிக்கை வைத்தல் தொடர்பில் காணப்படும் ஏற்றத்தாழ்வுகளை வெளிச்சத்திற்குக் கொண்டுவந்துள்ளது. வெரிடே ரிசர்ச் ஆனது, இலங்கையில் உள்ள சிங்களம், தமிழ் மற்றும் முஸ்லிம் ஆகிய மூன்று இனக்குழுக்களிடையே கோவிட்-19 தடுப்பூசி மீதான நம்பிக்கை, அதைப் பெற்றுக்கொள்ளல் மற்றும் அணுகல் குறித்து பகிரப்பட்ட சமூக ஊடக கருத்துக்களை பகுப்பாய்வு செய்யும் முகமாக ஒரு ஆய்வை நடத்தியது.

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Racial Profiling and Language Polarisation in Sri Lankan Media: A Problem Highlighted by “Ethics Eye” and “The Divide”

This research brief introduces two ailments in the Sri Lankan media that have negative social ramifications on minorities: (1) racial profiling; and (2) language polarisation.

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Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Evaluating Key Performance Indicators

This report assesses the extent to which the government has implemented 12 gender-related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These KPIs were developed by the former Ministry of Women and Child Affairs towards achieving Goal 5 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

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ස්ත්‍රී පුරුෂ සමාජභාවයට අනුකූල වූ අයවැයකරණය: ප්‍රධාන කාර්ය සාධන දර්ශක පිළිබඳ ඇගැයීම

ස්ත්‍රී පුරුෂ සමාජභාවය පිළිබඳ ප්‍රධාන කාර්ය සාධන දර්ශකයන් (ප්‍ර.කා.සා.ද.)12 ක් රජය කොතරම් දුරට ක්‍රියාත්මක කර ඇත්ද යන්න පිළිබඳව මෙම වාර්තාව ඇගැයීමට ලක් කරයි.

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பால்நிலை பொறுப்பு வரவு செலவுத்திட்டத் தயாரிப்பு: பிரதான செயலாற்றுகை சுட்டிகளை மதிப்பிடுதல

இந்த அறிக்கை அரசாங்கம் பாலினம் தொடர்பான 12 முக்கிய செயல்திறன் குறிகாட்டிகளை (KPIs) எந்த அளவிற்கு செயல்படுத்தியுள்ளது என்பதை மதிப்பீடு செய்கிறது.

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Better Moderation of Hate Speech on Social Media: A Sri Lankan Case Study for Reputational-Cost Approaches

As social media becomes more involved in personal, business, and political relations, it has become increasingly important to prevent the spread of hate speech and disinformation on social media. At present, hate speech and disinformation is moderated on social media by: (1) voluntary self-regulation by service providers, and (2) government regulation that imposes obligations and liability on users and service providers. In light of the numerous lapses in content moderation and the ever present of risk of censorship through government regulation of social media, several questions have arisen on how content moderation can be improved.

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හදිසි මහජන අවශ්‍යතා උදෙසා නිසි කාර්යය පටිපාටිය සහ සූදානම: කොවිඩ් -19 වසංගතයෙන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට උගත හැකි පාඩම්

වෙරිටේරිසර්ච් ආයතනය විසින් සිදු කළ නවතම අධ්‍යයනය මඟින් කොවිඩ්-19 වසංගතය අතරතුර ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ අධිකරණ පද්ධතිය මුහුණ දුන් අභියෝග සම්බන්ද නිසි කාර්යය පටිපාටික ඇඟවුම් ගවේෂණය කරයි. කොවිඩ් –19 සීමාවන් හේතුවෙන් අහිතකර බලපෑමට ලක් වූ ප්‍රධාන පෙලේ නිසි කාර්යය පටිපාටික අයිතිවාසිකම් දෙකක් එනම් සාධාරණ නඩු විභාගයකට ඇති අයිතිය සහ නෛතික නියෝජනයට සහ නීති ආධාර ලැබීමට ඇති අයිතිය එමගින් හඳුනා ගනී. 

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W(h)ither Environmental Governance: Limited Access to Information Undermines Meaningful Participation in Development Projects

There is a surge in public agitation against environmental destruction caused by ongoing development projects in Sri Lanka. The surfacing of environmental issues after construction has commenced is highly problematic for two reasons. First, the construction may have already caused damage to the environment, which may be irreversible in certain cases. Second, the revising of original project plans to mitigate environmental damages can result in delays and increased costs.

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பொது நெருக்கடி நிலைகளுக்கான உரிய செயன் முறை மற் றும் தயார் நிலை: கொவிட் -19 தொற் றுநோயிலிருந் து இலங் கைக் கான படிப் பினைகள

கொவிட்-19 நோய்த்தொற்று காலப்பகுதியில் இலங்கையின் நீதி முறைமை சந்திக்க நேரிட்ட சவால்கள் காரணமாக உரிய செயன்முறை மீது ஏற்பட்ட தாக்கங்கள் தொடர்பில் இந்த அறிக்கையில் ஆராயப்படுகின்றது. கொவிட்-19 கட்டுப்பாடுகளின் காரணமாக கடுமையாக பாதிப்புக்குள்ளாகிய உரிய செயன்முறையின் இரண்டு பிரதான உரிமைகளை இவ்வறிக்கை அடையாளங்கண்டுள்ளது: (1) நியாயமான விளக்கமொன்றினை பெற்றுக்கொள்வதற்கான உரிமை மற்றும் (2) சட்ட பிரதிநிதித்துவம் மற்றும் சட்;ட உதவிகளை பெற்றுக்கொள்வதற்கான உரிமை.

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