
Independent Contractor

Premila Gamage is an Information Professional with more than 35 years of work experience in university and research libraries. She holds a PhD in Information Management from Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.

She is the first Sri Lankan to be awarded the Honorary Fellowship of Charted Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), UK.  Her professional interests include digital inclusion, open access, Information for development, SDGs and libraries.

In various capacities, she has contributed to a range of local and international organizations including the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Access to Learning Award of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada – Skills for Work Programme, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation – INELI South Asia Programme, National Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Sri Lanka Library Association.   

As an Accredited Trainer of IFLA, she has conducted a number of workshops on training for librarians in Lebanon, India, Nepal and ASEAN countries on various topics including Leadership.

She was the country project officer of the worldwide research programme of the IFLA’s Public Library Politics Project, which was initiated with the purpose of evaluating policy maker’s attitudes regarding the role, value and impact of the public library services.

She has authored, co-authored peer-reviewed journal articles and represented the country at a number of international forums. Premila currently serves in the editorial panels of the high-profile journal issues that are focused on information development.

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