Media Kit
Everything you need to know about our branding and answers to frequently asked questions
Logo Identity
Our logo is available in high resolution .png format. Please do not crop or edit the logo when publishing. If you need a vector or other color format please contact
Logo Usage Guideline
We’ve created a short brand guideline PDF that explains logo usage rules and the main color palette, along with that of our many platforms.

Leadership Photos
Click the download button to download photos.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I describe Verité Research when I am writing about it?
Verité Research is an interdisciplinary think tank that provides strategic analysis and advice to governments, international organisations and the private sector in Sri Lanka and Asia. In simpler terms, we are a private organisation that conducts research in the areas of economics, politics, law and media.
Why is it named ‘Verité’ Research?
Verité means ‘truth’ in French, and it is derived from the Latin word veritas. This encapsulates Verité Research because all our research and analysis are aimed at uncovering the truth, and providing an accurate understanding of issues to the public.
How should I write your name?
Our name is always written using a diacritic or an accent above the ‘é’ in Verité (alt+0233). So Verité Research, and not Verite Research.
Is Verité Research affiliated with platforms such as or
Verité Research is the main organisation that platforms such as,, and a few other platforms are built under.
Should I quote Verité Research or the platform as the source if we are using research carried out by these platforms?
You can quote both. For example, of Verité Research or of Verité Research.
What is the IMF Tracker then?
The IMF Tracker is a dashboard housed in the website of Verité Research. We have many such dashboards housed under our various platforms.
Who funds Verité Research?
Verité Research is an independent think tank which is registered as a Pvt Ltd. We are not a nongovernmental organization (NGO) or a non-profit organisation. We provide consultations and conduct research for various organisations, including government ministries and international and local entities.
Is Verité Research affiliated with any governments or political parties, either local or foreign?
We are a private research organisation and we have no affiliation with governments or political parties, either local or foreign.
How can we get interviews or comments from your researchers?
If you contact our offices during work hours at +94 76 569 6937 or, you will be directed to our communications team, which will coordinate your interviews.
How can I access Verité Research’s published research?
Our work is available free on this website’s Publications page. Some of our research is subscription-based and not publicly available. We encourage you to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram for regular updates.
Do you conduct events?
We conduct events to raise public awareness of our research. If you would like to be notified about these events, please send us your email at, and we will include it in our mailing list.
How can I subscribe to your research?
You can subscribe through the following pages on this website, or signing up to our newsletter. You may approach our communications team to get more information (
Can we use your photos or videos in our reports?
Please send us a request stating the purpose and we will consider providing you our photo and video content, which you can then use by crediting Verité Research.
What if I have other questions?
The Verité Research Communiations Team is here to help. Send an email to

Verité Research, as the name implies, is an independent think tank with research at its core. We carry out this research along four areas –economics, politics, media, and law. Leveraging this research, we provide strategic analysis and advice to governments, organisations, and the private sector in Sri Lanka and beyond.