Trade in Services: Sri Lanka needs to pull up its socks

Trade in Services: Sri Lanka needs to pull up its socks
Two previous Verité Insights titled “Sri Lanka missing world’s biggest trade party and its in her backyard” & “Trade Agreements that don’t deliver the goods” published in May and June 2013 pointed out that Sri Lanka is well behind her...
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Sri Lanka’s tea Industry – too long in adolescence, it’s time to grow up
Tea sector wage negotiations have been in deadlock now for 10 months. There are political reasons for this situation, but also an overarching economic one: global tea prices have declined – as it periodically happens – and the industry is...
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අපනයන ප්‍රවර්ධනය සඳහා අපනයන මූල්‍යකරණ පහසුකම්වල්‍ කාර්යභාර්ය සහ අදාළත්වය
මෙෙ අධයයනය සිදු කරන ලද්මද් මවරිමේ පර්මේෂණ (Verité Research) ආයතනමේ ආර්ික පර්මේෂණ කණඩායෙ විසිනි. සුභාෂිණි අමේසිිංහ (ආර්ික පර්මේෂණ ප්‍රධානි), නිලිංගිකා ප්‍රනාන්දදු, මර්වතී ඥාණසම්බන්දදන්ද සහ සීzනා හුමසේන්දමෙන්ද සැදුම්ලත් ලත් සාොජිකයින්ද පිරිසක් මෙෙ කණ්ඩායෙට ඇතුළත් විය. මෙෙ වාර්තාව සකසේ කිරීමම්දී පර්මේෂණ කටයුතු...
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Improving Trade with India: Mutual Recognition in Conformity Assessment
"In the context of growing bilateral relations with India, this study by Verité Research takes a look at the current status of Sri Lankan exports to India under the existing India - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (ISFTA). The study...
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Improving Trade with India: Mutual Recognition in Conformity Assessment (Tamil Edition)
"In the context of growing bilateral relations with India, this study by Verité Research takes a look at the current status of Sri Lankan exports to India under the existing India - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (ISFTA). The study...
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අපනයන ප‍්‍රවර්ධනය සදහා අපනයන මුල්‍යකරණ පහසුකම්වල කාර්යභාරය සහ අදාළත්වය
මෙම සියවස ආරම්භයේ සිට ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාවේ අපනයන එහි දළ දේශීය නිශ්පාදිතයේ ප‍්‍රතිශතයක් ලෙස පමණක් නොව ගෝලීය අපනයනවල ප‍්‍රතිශතයක් ලෙස ද, පහත වැටී තිබේ. නිදහස ලැබුණු වකවානුවේ දී, වර්තමානයට වඩා ඉහළ ගෝලීය වෙළදපොළ කොටසක් අත්කර ගැනීමට ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාවට හැකිව තිබුණි. මෙම...
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Reviving Exports: The Relevance of Export Finance
This Insight analyses the importance of export finance as a tool to facilitate and promote exports in Sri Lanka. It identifies the bottlenecks that prevent effective use of export finance in the country and provides recommendations to improve availability, access...
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Expanding Exports: Relevance of Export Finance (Tamil Edition)
This study examines the status of the export finance market in Sri Lanka and identifies the key limitations that prevent export finance from playing a proactive role in promoting exports. It reveals that the access, availability and diversity of export...
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Expanding Exports : Relevance of Export Finance
This study examines the status of the export finance market in Sri Lanka and identifies the key limitations that prevent export finance from playing a proactive role in promoting exports. It reveals that the access, availability and diversity of export...
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