Interviews & Articles

The case against anti-terrorism laws
Jeyakumari Balendran, an activist campaigning for the whereabouts of missing persons in Sri Lanka, was detained by officers of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) in March 2014. Photo: Vikalpa | Groundviews | Maatram | CPA / Flickr Nearly a decade after...
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Women’s Representation and Participation in Formal Politics
By Daisy Perry Despite the drive for gender equality promoted at the Beijing UN World Conference on Women in 1995, the Sri Lankan State appears to have taken little responsibility for narrowing the gender gap in political representation. Savitri Goonesekere explains...
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Women’s Participation at the Grassroots Level
By Daisy Perry Drawing on the idea that the personal is political and challenging the notion that political empowerment can be measured solely with a seat in a legislature, this article focuses on the forms in which women who are not...
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Tobacco policy: Mitigating influence of vested interests
Sri Lanka ratified the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in November 2003. The FCTC is a global treaty developed in response to the health consequences of tobacco consumption and the formidable power exerted by the...
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The hidden side of cigarette pricing
The media in Sri Lanka has often misrepresented the cigarette industry and cigarette taxes in favour of the monopoly producer Ceylon Tobacco Company (CTC). In June 2017, Verité Research (VR) published an Insight titled ‘Who’s responsible for ‘Alternative facts on...
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Allocation of funds to the OMP
Sri Lanka’s national budget for 2018 allocated Rs. 1.4 billion to the Office on Missing Persons (OMP).[i] The allocation was viewed as a positive step towards supporting reconciliation mechanisms in Sri Lanka. However, a closer look reveals that the allocation...
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