
Showing 10 Publication(s)

This edition provides coverage and analysis of the IMF Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) and Sri Lanka’s progress on the 100 commitments outlined in the IMF program

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Regulating social media in Sri Lanka: An Analysis of the Legal and Non-Legal Regulatory Frameworks in the Context of Hate Speech and Disinformation

Regulation of social media in Sri Lanka encompasses both a formal and alternative non-legal framework. The study explores the existing legal and non-legal frameworks to regulate the spread of disinformation and hate speech on social media. Thereby, it presents potential implications of the spread of disinformation and hate speech on social media in the specific context of ethno-religious violence in Sri Lanka. 

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Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor — August 2023

This is Verité Research’s latest study on the Sri Lankan government’s progress in fulfilling the commitments on reconciliation and accountability in UNHRC Resolution 30/1. At the 51st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in September and October 2022, Resolution 51/1 was adopted. The Sri Lankan government rejected Resolution 51/1. A written update on Sri Lanka was scheduled at the 54th session on 11 September 2023. This report analyses the government’s progress in fulfilling all 36 commitments made in UNHRC Resolution 30/1 from March 2023 to August 2023.    

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Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor 2022

This is Verité Research’s latest study on the Sri Lankan government’s progress in fulfilling the commitments on reconciliation and accountability in UNHRC Resolution 30/1. At the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Resolution 46/1 on Sri Lanka was adopted on 23 March 2021. The 49th UNHRC session began on 28 February 2022 and Sri Lanka’s progress in implementing Resolution 46/1 and the preceding Resolution 30/1 was taken up on 4 March and 7 March 2022. This report analyses the government’s progress in fulfilling all 36 commitments made in UNHRC Resolution 30/1 from February 2021 to March 2022.

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Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor 2021

This is Verité Research’s latest study on the Sri Lanka government’s progress in fulfilling the commitments on reconciliation and accountability in UNHRC Resolution 30/1. At the 43rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in February 2020, Sri Lanka informed of its decision to withdraw from co-sponsoring Resolution 40/1 of 2019, and its preceding Resolutions 34/1 of March 2017, and 30/1 of October 2015. The 46th UNHRC session began in February 2021. The vote on Resolution A/HRC/46/L.1 on Sri Lanka was taken on 23 March 2021. This report analyses the government’s progress in fulfilling all 36 commitments made in UNHRC Resolution 30/1 from February 2020 to February 2021.

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This edition includes coverage and analysis on the usability of the IMF financing and the volatility of the exchange rate.  

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This inaugural edition of our latest publication series known as ‘Verité Research Debt Update. ’Sri Lanka is currently experiencing a financial crisis on an unprecedent scale. In May 2022, Sri Lanka defaulted on its debt servicing obligations for the first time in its history since independence. Against this backdrop, the Verité Research Debt Update provides a regular update for investors, policy makers and analysts, on the latest debt related financial news together with a brief analysis on the latest developments.  This edition includes coverage and analysis on the financial assurance letters issued by China, India and a group of private bond holders.  

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Religious violence against Christians: Disruptions and Distractions

Ethno-religious violence is an enduring feature in Sri Lanka irrespective of the changes to the country’s socio-political and economic landscapes. This study offers insights into key patterns of violence directed against Christians between November 2021 and October 2022.  A total of 75 incidents of anti-Christian violence were recorded during this period.

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Does Sri Lanka Need More Rules or Better Compliance?

The government of Sri Lanka proposed introducing a new law to establish stronger rules on public finance management. The analysis shows that the core weakness in Sri Lanka is not the lack of rules but the lack of compliance. To be effective, any new law will need to contend with this problem of governance

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The Alternatives to Universal Tax Registration in Sri Lanka

This note argues that the Sri Lankan government’s recent proposal to implement universal tax registration is neither a viable nor effective strategy to increase the country’s tax revenue. Instead, the note proposes four alternative measures that are more feasible, while still serving the same purpose of expanding the tax base and generating more revenue.

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