
Showing 10 Publication(s)
2021 අයවැය පිළිබඳ ප්‍රසිද්ධ වාර්තාව

මෙම වාර්තාව, ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ මධ්‍යම රජයේ 2021 වර්ෂය සඳහා වූ අයවැය පිළිබඳව  පළ කරන ලද වාර්තා දෙකකින් දෙවන වාර්තාව වේ. මෙමඟින් රජයේ වියදම් සඳහා වෙන් කෙරෙන ප්‍රතිපාදන හා බදුකරණ ප්‍රතිපත්ති කෙතෙරම් දුරට රජයේ ප්‍රතිපත්තිවලට අනුකූල වන්නේද යන්න ඇගැයීමට ලක් කෙරේ.

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Public Report on the 2021 Budget: Assessment on whether the expenditure allocations and taxation policies are in line with the government’s policy

This is the second report in a series of two reports on Sri Lanka’s central government budget for the year 2021. The report assesses whether the expenditure allocations and taxation policies are in line with the government’s policy.

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2021 வரவு செலவுத்திட்டம் குறித்த பொது அறிக்கை

அரசாங்க நிதி பற்றிய குழுவிற்கு (COPF) வழங்கப்பட்ட ஆணையின் பிரகாரம் இந்த பொது அறிக்கையானது வெறிட்டே ரிசர்சினால் தொகுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

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2021 අයවැය: අයවැය ඇස්තමේන්තුවල භාවිත කර ඇති රාජ්‍ය ආදායම්, මුල්‍ය සහ ආර්ථික උපකල්පනයන් ගැන පොදු ජනතාව වෙනුවෙන් සිදුකරන ලද සොයාබැලීමක්

2021 අයවැය ඇස්තමේන්තුවල භාවිතා කර ඇති රාජ්‍ය ආදායම්, මුල්‍ය සහ ආර්ථික උපකල්පනයන් ගැන ඇගයීමක් මෙම වාර්තාවෙන් සිදුකර තිබේ.

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Public Report on the 2021 Budget: Assessment of the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Assumptions used in the Budget Estimates

This report provides an assessment and analysis of the fiscal, financial and economic assumptions and estimates applied in the formulation of the 2021 Budget.

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Youth Labour Market Assessment Sri Lanka

Building on the Youth Labour Market Assessment published by Verite Research in 2018, this report focuses on a series of specific issues that represent key barriers to increasing youth employment and youth employability in Sri Lanka. Given the potential of youth entrepreneurship to serve as a key driver for increasing the labour force participation of youth, including young women, the current report also investigates key challenges and opportunities for increasing youth entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka.

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Slide Deck: Unlocking the Potential of Data: A Case Study on Data Dissemination Practices in Sri Lanka Customs

Successful economies have increasingly recognised the importance of improving access to data collected by governments. Accurate, timely and easily accessible data helps private sector growth and results in improved delivery by government. Sri Lanka Customs is the key government agency that collects trade data. Access to timely trade data is vital for firms engaging in international trade to make sound business decisions. It is also the basis on which countries should be formulating their trade policies and assessing their impact.

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Slide Deck: Financing Infrastructure: The (non) Concessionality of Concessional Loans

Sri Lanka is highly dependent on international loans from multilateral and bilateral sources to finance infrastructure development. Multilateral and bilateral borrowing is often favoured by governments such as Sri Lanka because such financing tends to have ‘concessional’ elements, relative to the international financial markets. However, this report finds that the practice of ‘tying’ loans to procurement from contractors in the lending country and resulting cost escalations can significantly erode the concessional or grant element of these loans.

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Financing Infrastructure: The (non) Concessionality of Concessional Loans

Sri Lanka is highly dependent on international loans from multilateral and bilateral sources to finance infrastructure development. Multilateral and bilateral borrowing is often favoured by governments such as Sri Lanka because such financing tends to have ‘concessional’ elements, relative to the international financial markets. However, this report finds that the practice of ‘tying’ loans to procurement from contractors in the lending country and resulting cost escalations can significantly erode the concessional or grant element of these loans.

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State Funding for Maternity Leave in Sri Lanka – A No-Brainer

Women in the 20-39 age cohort are uniquely and severely disadvantaged in the labour market in Sri Lanka. This disadvantage is linked to the current policy of placing the full cost of maternity leave benefits (MLBs) on employers.

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